Book & Audio Hypnosis Downloads

Audio Hypnosis Sessions & Book Downloads

Take control of your life today and discover the transformative power of hypnosis recordings!

Our downloadable sessions offer a cost-effective solution to improve self-esteem, reduce stress, and increase confidence. Achieve any goal!

Life is about taking action, so don’t wait any longer – scroll down through our hypnosis shop for results!

During these difficult times, we want you to have access to positive tools that can help with fear, anxiety, and other concerns.

Select the product that will help you Revitalize, Reenergize, Recharge, and Refocus your mind and body and take control of your life today.

Cover photo of Secrets of Personal Marketing Power.

In this easy to read, well-written book, the author helps you to take control of your business and personal life now. Among the many strategies outlined in the book, the author discusses the five principles of personal marketing power and how to become a "miracle maker" with innovative tools and strategies either to grow your business or climb the proverbial "corporate ladder." He will help you develop the keys to your success and understand the power of the "Networking Golden Rules" -- active listening, asking smart questions, personal visibility and relationship building to name just a few.


Develop Sales Power

SalesPower is an instant download hypnosis session to help you develop your sales power. This session will help you to increase your motivation, confidence, and persistence to achieve your sales goals. With this session, you can tap into your inner sales power and become the top salesperson you know you can be!

Develop Sales Power hypnosis session cover.
Hypnomeditation Hypnosis session cover.

Hypnomeditation Hypnosis

With Hypnomeditation, you can quickly and instantly enter a state of hypnosis, perfect for relaxing and de-stressing. This hypnosis session will guide you into a seamless meditation, helping you to let go of all worries and drift into a peaceful state of mind. All you need to do is listen, and the soothing voice of the hypnotherapist will lead you into a deep and restful sleep. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on anything that comes your way.


Sensual Pleasure Using Hypnosis

If you’re ready to experience the most intense and sensual pleasure imaginable, this hypnosis download session is for you! Using powerful hypnotic techniques, you will be transported into a state of total relaxation and ecstasy, where you will surrender to the waves of pleasure washing over you. Every sound and touch will be amplified a thousandfold, giving you an unforgettable experience that will leave you begging for more. So go ahead and let yourself go… allow yourself to be swept away by the tantalizing sensations of this Hypnosis Sensual Pleasure Session!

Sensual Pleasure hypnosis session cover.
Stop Procrastination Now hypnosis session cover.

Stop Procrastination Now

Like most people, you’ve probably struggled with Procrastination at some point in your life. Whether it’s putting off starting that new diet or exercise regimen, finishing that project for work, or getting around to studying for that big test, Procrastination can have a significant impact on your life. Stop Procrastination Now! is an instant download hypnosis session designed to help you overcome Procrastination and start taking action towards your goals. Stop Procrastination Now! is a powerful tool that can help you make dramatic changes.


Unlock Your Creativity

If you’re feeling stuck creatively, our Unlock Your Creativity hypnosis download can help get your juices flowing again. This session uses powerful hypnotic techniques to reprogram your mind for peak creativity. Once you’ve downloaded and listened to the session, you’ll notice a difference in your ability to come up with new ideas, solve problems more creatively, and see the world around you in a new light. Whether you’re an artist, musician, writer, or just looking to boost your creativity, this hypnosis download is perfect.

Unlock Your Creativity hypnosis session cover.
Stop Smoking Now hypnosis session cover.

Stop Smoking Now

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health. It’s time to quit smoking and start living a healthier life. With this instant download hypnosis session, you can finally stop smoking. This hypnosis session is designed to help you break the smoking habit and give you the power to live a smoke-free life. The hypnotic suggestions and affirmations in this session will work to reprogram your mind to no longer crave cigarettes or think about smoking. You can listen to this session anytime, anywhere, and as often as you need to maintain your success in quitting smoking. Stop Smoking Now and begin living a healthier, happier life today!


Pre-Surgical Preparation

Pre-Surgical Preparation is an instant download hypnosis session to help you prepare for your upcoming surgery. This hypnosis session is designed to help you relax and let go of any fears or concerns about the surgery. By listening to this powerful hypnosis session, you can enter into a state of deep relaxation where your mind and body will be better prepared for the surgery. This session is also designed to help you heal faster and with less pain after the surgery.

Pre-Surgical Preparation hypnosis session cover.
Post-Surgical Preparation hypnosis session cover.

Post-Surgical Preparation

This is the perfect option if you’re looking for a powerful hypnosis download to help you recover from surgery quickly. The Post Surgery Fast Recovery session will help your mind and body to heal soon, releasing any negative emotions that might be holding you back. You’ll feel more relaxed and motivated to recover, keeping your focus on getting back to your best self. This session is packed with powerful positive affirmations to support your recovery, so you can start feeling better fast. Download now and get started on your road to recovery.


Stop Biting Your Tongue

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of trouble biting your tongue. It’s an annoying habit that can interfere with your life. But now there’s a powerful new way to help you stop biting your tongue – with hypnosis! This powerful hypnosis download session has been specifically designed to help you break the habit of biting your tongue. It’s easy to use and completely painless. Just listen to the relaxing audio session and let the hypnosis work. Why wait another day to start enjoying life without the embarrassing habit of biting your tongue? Download this hypnosis session now and start seeing results immediately!

Stop Biting Your Tongue hypnosis session by Don L Price
Inner Peace & Wealth hypnosis session by Don L Price

Inner Peace & Wealth

This hypnosis session is designed to help you relax and let go of any stress or anxiety that you may be feeling. You’ll feel calmer and more relaxed after listening to this session, and you’ll be able to focus on your goals more clearly. This session is also designed to help you attract wealth and abundance into your life. You’ll feel more confident and motivated to achieve your goals, and you’ll be able to manifest your desires more easily. If you’re ready to experience inner peace and wealth, download this hypnosis session now and listen at leisure.


Living a Powerful Life

Unlike other programs that inspire you temporarily and then leave you with no direction to follow… Power Living transforms your action that triggers your motivation toward goal-setting, habits, and attitudes.

Living a Powerful Life hypnosis session by Don L Price
Goal Achievement hypnosis session by Don L Price

Goal Achievement

Standard benefits: Achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before. Get more done in less time. Stay focused and on track. Emotional benefits: Accomplish things you never thought possible. Feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Experience a sense of accomplishment and pride as you achieve your goals. Enjoy the journey to your destination rather than feeling stressed or anxious.


Play Excellent Tennis

Get into the zone and play your best tennis -Lose nerves and increase focus -Stay positive under pressure -Create a winning mindset

Play Excellent Tennis hypnosis session by Don L Price
Play Excellent Golf hypnosis session by Don L Price

Play Excellent Golf

Improve your golf game with hypnosis -Get into a positive mindset for golf. Play to the best of your ability by improving your focus and concentration -Achieve better results with a clear mind and positive attitude


Extreme Sports Performance

You will be able to focus better and achieve more with a hypnosis session focusing on extreme sports performance. You will have a positive mindset during your performance, which can help you achieve more. Hypnosis is a great way to increase focus and overcome doubts or fears about your ability to perform.

Extreme Sports Performance hypnosis session by Don L Price
Increase Mind Power Hypnosis session by Don L Price

Increase Mind Power

In Less Than 30 Minutes A Day, You'll Turn Your Life and Business Around By Training Your Mind With Mind Power!"

You have the natural ability, wisdom, and understanding in expressing your intuition, your inner teacher, which leads you to your greater good.

But most people only use a small portion of your potential... Mind Power allows you to follow that still small voice of intuitive knowing within you.

This program involves opening up your mind for removing blocks to creative thinking, problem-solving, making clear choices and decisions. Working with this program will build confidence and courage for taking immediate and consistent action in life.


Money Attraction

For Men and Women Who Want to Secure a Financial Future Now...

I invite you to take a journey with Money Attraction Through Hypnosis and create a financial miracle in your life... You will instantly become aware and notice how powerful the hypnotic suggestions are.
The door is open- - You can walk through and take the most incredible journey of your life into Money Attraction and program yourself for opening up all financial doors and all financial channels, having more abundance and prosperity.

Money Attraction hypnosis session by Don L Price
Peak Performance Swimming hypnosis session by Don L Price

Peak Performance Swimming

65 Year Old Man Used This Hypnosis Programming To Swim From Alcatraz To Golden Gate Park... (without a wetsuit)

When you listen to Peak Performance Swimming it will elevate you to a higher level of excellence with ease and fun. And if you are competing in school or professionally then Peak Performance Swimming Hypnosis will give you the competitive edge.


Self Esteem and Confidence

Successful Living With Greater Self Esteem & Confidence Through Hypnosis

The door is OPEN - You can walk through and take the most incredible journey of your life into Successful Living With Greater Self Esteem & Confidence.

This program will guide you through a session of positive hypnotic suggestions for SUCCESSFULLY living with less stress, building Self Esteem & Confidence- -Beat your fear of rejection and overcome shyness.

Self Esteem and Confidence hypnosis session by Don L Price
Controlling Your Anger hypnosis session by Don L Price

Controlling Your Anger

How To Master Your Brain to Manage And Control Your Anger Through Hypnosis!

When you listen to "Controlling Your Anger Through Hypnosis" for the next 21 days... you will experience (what many of my client’s claim is a "Life-Changing Miracle" in life.


Lose Weight Permanently

Are You Having Stressful Days and Sleepless Nights Thinking About Your Weight? Finally, There is a Better Way For Losing Those Excess Inches and Pounds!"

Permanent Weight Elimination Hypnosis

The issue isn't that diet programs for many people do not work...But it all boils down to one simple fact. People work only on the symptoms and not the problem. The symptoms are the excess weight and inches we put on our bodies by eating incorrectly.

Lose Weight Permanently hypnosis session by Don L Price
Eliminate Fear of Public Speaking hypnosis session by Don L Price

Eliminate Fear of Public Speaking

Get Ahead In Life and Business and Eliminate Fear of Public Speaking Through Hypnosis... With Confidence to Speak-Up

Great communicators don't restrict themselves to speaking when spoken to. Public Speaking is normally associated with standing in front of a group of people while delivering your presentation. Public speaking is initiating discussions, voicing your opinion, and actively entering into an exchange of ideas informally at business lunches, network gatherings, or formally speaking in front of others.


Overcoming Shyness

Can You Afford Not To Overcome Your Shyness? Turn Your Life Around Now Through Hypnosis! Imagine the fun you'll have when you feel more confident and outgoing at work, school, and/or social events.

Overcoming Shyness hypnosis session by Don L Price
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