Stop struggling and start living the life you want! Come to a new way of thinking; A better way of life.
The Conscious Mind
The conscious mind is your “thoughts” and the stories that you tell yourself throughout the day. It’s that little voice inside you. It’s that incessant little chatterbox that is narrating your entire life as it is happening. The next time you’re feeling down or upset, ask yourself this simple question, “What am I thinking right now?” By asking this question, you will easily find out what you are telling yourself at that moment. What you’re telling yourself in that moment is making you feel the way you do. Anytime you’re not feeling good, always ask yourself that question. You see, it isn’t what’s actually happening in that moment that’s making you feel that way, but it’s your thoughts about what’s happening that’s making you feel that way. That story you’re telling yourself in that moment about what’s happening is what’s making you feel angry, sad, frustrated, stressed, etc. Want to feel better fast? Shift your negative self-talk to positive self-talk
So, all you have to do is change the story you’re telling yourself in that moment and shift it to a more positive narrative—and you’ll feel better instantly! You see, becoming aware of your thoughts (your “conscious” mind) is the first step to transformation. It’s the key to shifting how you feel in any given moment. You have that power. You really do.
Now, the subconscious mind is different. The subconscious mind is what’s actually controlling your success in ALL areas of your life. It’s that powerful. It can work for you or against you. You see, you can say to yourself, “I want to manifest financial abundance in my life” (which is a thought and your “conscious” mind speaking), but if your subconscious mind has a BELIEF that contradicts your conscious mind, the subconscious mind will always win and take over. Here’s an example. “I want to manifest financial abundance in my life” (conscious mind). But at a deep subconscious level, you actually BELIEVE… “In order to be wealthy, I’ll have to be a workaholic and work so many hours. I won’t have much of a life. I’ll be miserable.” That limiting belief will always block and sabotage your success around money and manifesting financial abundance. Now, I want to be clear, this isn’t “woo-woo” talk. This is TRUE. You see, if you have that limiting belief, you will be looking through a lens of “I will be miserable if I am rich.” You don’t want to be miserable of course, so you won’t take the action you need to take to become rich. It actually affects your behavior and what you do (or don’t do, which ultimately affects your results. Our beliefs drive our behavior, and our behavior affects our results! It’s really that simple. Oprah expressed it best when she said, “You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you believe.'
In order to eliminate limiting beliefs forever, you need to understand how they developed in the first place. You see, our limiting beliefs began developing from when we were very young. Our limiting beliefs are created through the interpretation of every single experience we encountered over the years. Every time something negative happened to you. Every time someone said something negative to you. Every time you were disappointed, rejected, or hurt. Every time things didn’t go your way. You interpreted it a certain way. You told yourself something. A story. You believed this story. This story you told yourself, stayed with you over the years. This story you told yourself, made you see the world through a particular lens. That lens you’ve been looking through has created the results you see today. Shift Your Mind and You’ll Shift Your Life It’s time to change that lens you’ve been looking through. It’s time now to shift your thinking and beliefs.
The best way to uncover your limiting beliefs is by simply writing out your “story” around the area of your life that isn’t working. You can begin by writing, “The reason why I don’t have what I truly want in this area is…” See what you write. Don’t edit or judge it, just write. Write out the whole story. Usually, when you write out the entire story of why you don’t have that great relationship, or why you’re in debt, or why you don’t have that dream job/career, etc., that is where you’ll find what you’ve been telling yourself over and over. You’ll begin to see the “lens” you’ve been looking through that has been sabotaging your success, without you even realizing it! Page 15 Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Write Out Your New Positive Beliefs After you’ve written your story, read it. Then, read it again out loud. The biggest clue to uncovering your subconscious beliefs is when you are complaining or making excuses about the situation. The clues are there. Look for them in your story. Actually, read it five times. You see, by reading it over and over, you’ll start to remove the emotion behind your story. You’ll start to see through “the story” you’ve been telling yourself and begin realizing how a lot of it isn’t even true! You may even be shocked at the story you’ve been telling yourself all this time. After you’ve read it five times, see if you can pick out the “beliefs” you have around this area. Underline those sentences. Then, write out your list of “beliefs” on a separate piece of paper. Once you have your list of limiting beliefs, take each one and write out an opposite belief to counteract it. So for instance, if one of your beliefs was “It is hard to make money” then, the opposite of that could be, “Money flows easily, freely, and from everywhere.” To help you, I’ve put together a list for you (on the next page) of some examples of limiting beliefs around the areas of money, health, relationships, and career/ work, along with a list of some sample empowering/positive beliefs. This will really help you create your own personalized list
Read it. Once you’ve created this NEW list of empowering/positive beliefs, read it. Read it out loud. Read it out loud five times. It is now time to reprogram your mind with these new beliefs. Make several copies of these new beliefs. Post it on your fridge, on your mirror, carry it in your pocket, put it everywhere, so you are constantly reminded of them. Recite them over and over. The latest evidence-based research in Neuroscience has shown that you CAN reprogram your mind through repetition. Your mind is like a computer. You are basically upgrading your “mental” software. Eventually, you will automatically begin to think this way naturally.,
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Don L Price - Hypnotherapy and Mindset Coach